Probable modern analogue of Kuroko-type massive sulphide deposits in the Okinawa Trough back-arc basin
THE volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits of the Hokuroko district of Japan are Miocene metal occurrences which are rich in both Zn and Pb, contain minor Cu and yield noteworthy amounts of Ag and Au (ref. 1). They formed in the Green Tuff belt of Japan in association with the felsic calc-alkaline rocks of a back-arc spreading center 1 . Until now no modern analogue of this 'Kuroko' type of sulphide deposit has been identified; this is in contrast to the Cyprus type of massive Cu–Zn sulphide deposit, which has such an analogue in the 'smoker' deposits of the East Pacific Rise. In 1984 and 1986, low-temperature oxide and silicate precipitates were discovered in the rift valley of the Okinawa Trough attesting to the recent occurrence of hydrothermal activity in this intracontinental back-arc basin 2 . On 26 June 1988, a large hydrothermal field with extensive occurrences of sulphide mineralization (the Jade hydrothermal field) was discovered and sampled by the German research vessel Sonne in a cauldron in the central part of the Okinawa Trough. Here we report geochemical and isotopic results which suggest that the Jade deposit is a modern analogue of the Kuroko-type deposits known so far only from the geological record.
Experimental/ geochemistry geology sediments/ Pacific ocean seafloor geology isotope ratio metal ore deposit sedimentology AD 1984 AD 1986 AD 1988 modern analogue Kuroko-type massive sulphide deposits Okinawa Trough back-arc basin Hokuroko Japan Green Tuff belt sulphide deposit low-temperature silicate precipitates rift valley hydrothermal field sulphide mineralization geochemical Jade deposit/ A9150E Seafloor processes A9150J Marine sedimentation and sediments A9330D Asia A9330K Islands A9135L Geochemistry A9330P Pacific Ocean A9330P Pacific Ocean A9135G Earth crust and upper mantle