Decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: a review through 2005
The taxonomic status, biogeographical distributions and existing collections are reviewed for all species of decapod crustaceans known from the vicinity of hydrothermal vents and cold (hydrocarbon or brine) seeps. To date, more than 125 species representing 33 families of decapods have been reported. Represented families are, in alphabetical order within infraorder, the penaeoid families Benthesicymidae and Sergestidae; the caridean families Alvinocarididae (all of which are vent or seep endemics), Crangonidae, Glyphocrangonidae, Hippolytidae, Nematocarcinidae, Oplophoridae, Palaemonidae, Pandalidae and Stylodactylidae; the anomuran families Chirostylidae, Galatheidae, Lithodidae and Parapaguridae; the brachyuran crab families Atelecyclidae, Bythograeidae (all of which are vent endemics), Cancridae, Epialtidae, Geryonidae, Goneplacidae, Homolidae, Majidae, Ocypodidae, Oregoniidae, Parthenopidae, Pisidae, Portunidae and Varunidae; the lobster (astacidean) family Nephropidae; and the thalassinidean families Axiidae, Callianassidae and Calocarididae. Some species appear to be vagrants, here defined as opportunistic species occasionally found in the vicinity of vent sites but not restricted to them. Other species, notably members of the shrimp family Alvinocarididae and the crab family Bythograeidae, are clearly endemics, known only from vent or seep sites and presumably restricted to them. All endemic vent shrimps, most of which were originally treated as members of the family Bresiliidae, are now treated as members of the family Alvinocarididae. The family Mirocarididae proposed earlier is no longer recognized following a recent review of the characters that define the genus Mirocaris and the family Alvinocarididae. Currently recognized vent-associated species of shrimp belong to six genera: Alvinocaris , Chorocaris , Mirocaris , Nautilocaris , Opaepele and Rimicaris ; the genus Iorania is no longer recognized. Several more genera and species are in various stages of description (manuscripts in press or in review). Of the endemic shrimp genera, only Alvinocaris has been reported from both hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. Vagrant shrimp species include members of the families Crangonidae (one species), Hippolytidae (several species in the genus Lebbeus ), Nematocarcinidae (genus Nematocarcinus , often seen but rarely collected), Oplophoridae (five genera), Palaemonidae (one species) and Pandalidae (one species of Chlorotocus questionably included). Within the Anomura, vent-associated species of the family Galatheidae (squat lobsters), most belonging to the genera Munida and Munidopsis , are probably vagrants rather than endemics, although some species are known only from vent sites to date and may prove to be true endemics. The galatheid genus Munidopsis is the most speciose and widespread of all vent-associated taxa and has been reported from both hot vents and cold seeps, although this probably reflects only the fact that it is a widespread and speciose deep-sea genus. Other galatheid genera reported from vent sites are Alainius , Phylladiorhynchus and Shinkaia . Also in the Anomura, three chirostylids in two genera ( Eumunida and Uroptychus ) are known, and the family Lithodidae is represented at several sites (by species in five genera). All of these anomurans are assumed by us to be vagrants rather than endemics, although some species are known only from one or two sites and may prove to be true endemics. The anomuran hermit crab family Parapaguridae is represented by a single species described recently from an active hydrothermal vent; however, the family (or at least a hermit crab assumed to belong to this family) is also known from other locations where it has not been collected. Among the Brachyura, endemic crab species are all members of the family Bythograeidae, which currently consists of five genera (with the number of recognized species in parentheses): Bythograea (6), Cyanagraea (1), Segonzacia (1), Austinograea (4) and Allograea (1). Vagrant crab species in the Atelecyclidae, Cancridae, Epialtidae, Geryoni
Anomura biogeography Brachyura Caridea collections crabs deep-sea distribution hydrothermal shrimps taxonomy
