Consumption of MDMA: A survey in the French male homosexual population
Introduction: Consumption of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) (ecstasy) grew rapidly in Europe in the 1990s and then fizzled out in the early 2000s. However, in 2016 the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) [1] has highlighted a comeback, especially among young male adults, particularly among the homosexual population which has a long been identified as a consumer at risk for psychoactive substances [2]. MDMA effects are the result of the monoamines central liberation with their recapture blocking, especially serotonin (5-hydroxytryptophan) [3]. After the liberation, the brain is in monoamines depletion with the blockage of tryptophan hydroxylase source of organic and mental loss energy. Literature related transient or chronicle psychiatric disorders after a regular MDMA consumption (anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, psychosis emergence) [4]. Aim: This is a survey to better understanding the ins and outs of consumption of MDMA including the health and psychiatric issues that arise from it. Method: Data was obtained from 46 french male homosexuals which are regular MDMA users asked to respond to one self-report questionnaire with specific questions on their consumptions. Results: This study illustrates some side effects of MDMA consumption up to dehydration, confusion, hallucinations, hyperthermia, impotence, dysuria, trismus, depression and suicidal thoughts. However direct beneficial effects are the main motivations of this consumption (euphoria, tireless, hyperaesthesia) with peer pressure. Moreover, participants relate a polydrug use to enhance the effects of MDMA (alcohol, poppers, coke, ketamine and gamma-hydroxy-butyric acid (GHB)). In your sample, inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 5 come off the first drug used to compensate for impotence. Much of the sample has seen an increase consumption of MDMA in homosexual social places. Conclusion: Health care professionals should be aware of consumption of MDMA's aftermaths in this minority population, which has been weakened by the questions of identity acceptance and societal integration. Prevention messages are currently essentials. [1] EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction). Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in the European Union. Lisbonne: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2016. [2] Spach M., Wyart A., 2014. Les cycles de mode des drogues illicites : l'exemple de la MDMA et de la cocane. Psychotropes 20, 153-173 [3] Green A.R., Cross A.J., Goodwin G.M., 1995. Review of the pharmacology and clinical pharmacology of 3-4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine (MDMA of "Ecstasy"). Psychopharmacology 119, 247-260 [4] Thomasius R., Peterson K., Buchert R., et al, 2003. Mood, cognition and serotonin transporter availability in current former ecstasy (MDMA) users. Psychopharmacology 167, 85-96