Effects of water levels and potassium fertilization in the development of dwarf-cashew, clone BRS-189


PDCN Perdigo



The main goal of this work was to analyze the effect of water and potassium and interaction between these factors parameters which are related with vegetative growth (height of the plant, diameter of trunk below of the coastal and the diameter of trunk above of the coastal) and the parameters related with nutritional situation (potassium, iron and sodium) of the precocious dwarfish cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale L.) variety BRS 189. A field experiment was carried out in the parcel of ground D in at Curu-Pentecoste Irrigation District, CearA, Brazil, from september/2005 to february/2007. The statistical design was completely randomized blocks in split-plots, with four primary treatments, four secondary and four blocks. The main treatments corresponded to four water depths (W1 = 25% ETc; W2 = 50% ETc; W3 = 100% ETc; W4 = 150% ETc) with four levels of potassium (K0 = 0 g; K1 = 30 g; K2 = 60 g; K3 = 120 g de K2O. plant-1.year-1). The crop was installed at 7.0m 7.0 m spacing, irrigated by a microsprinkle irrigation system with 50 L.h-1 emitters. The results showed that the water and interaction water and potassium were significant to none parameters analyzed. Potassium influenced significantly height of the plant and diameter of trunk below of the coastal. The height of plant presented significant influence on water level only on the treatment were none potassium was applied. As to total nutrients in the plants: potassium, iron and sodium in a plant, only potassium presented compatible significant (8.1%) to water. To crop in studies water deficit didnt limited growing of dwarfish cashew tree.%%%%O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o efeito das lAminas de Agua, dos nAveis de potAssio e sua interaAAo sobre as variAveis relacionadas ao crescimento vegetativo (altura da planta, diAmetro do caule abaixo e acima do enxerto) e ao estado nutricional (potAssio, ferro e sAdio) do cajueiro anAo-precoce (Anacardium occidentale L.) variedade BRS 189. Para isto foi realizado um experimento no nAcleo D do PerAmetro Irrigado Curu-Pentecoste, CearA, no perAodo de setembro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2007. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas, composto de quatro tratamentos primArios nas parcelas, quatro tratamentos secundArios nas subparcelas e quatro blocos. Os tratamentos primArios constituAram-se da combinaAAo de quatro lAminas de irrigaAAo (W1 = 25% ETc; W2 = 50% ETc; W3 = 100% ETc; W4 = 150% ETc) com quatro nAveis de adubaAAo potAssica (K0 = 0 g; K1 = 30 g; K2 = 60 g; K3 = 120 g de K2O.planta-1.ano-1) localizados nas subparcelas. A cultura foi instalada no espaAamento de 7,0 m x 7,0 m, irrigada por um sistema de irrigaAAo localizada tipo microaspersAo, com microaspersores autocompensantes de 50 L.h-1 de vazAo. ApAs anAlise dos resultados verificou-se que o fator Agua e sua interaAAo nAo apresentaram efeitos significativos em nAvel de 5% sobre nenhuma das variAveis analisadas. O fator potAssio influenciou significativamente a altura de plantas e o diAmetro…











