Effect of preoperative regional artery chemotherapy on proliferation and apoptosis of gastric carcinoma cells
AIM: To study the effects of preoperative regional arterychemotherapy (PRACT) in inducing growth inhibition andapoptosis of gastric carcinorna (GC) calls.METHODS: TUNEL ( terminal-deoxynucleotidyl-transferaseTdT-mediated dUTP-fluorescein and labeling) method andimmunohistochemical techniques were used to detect thestate of apoptosis and proliferation of GC cells inhistopathologic sections. A total of 110 cases of GC and 68cases of metastatic lymph node with or without PRACT wereadopted. Correlations between apoptosis index (Al),proliferation index (PI) and PRACT and prognosis wereanalysed.RESULTS: The apoptosis index (Al) was significantly higherin the PRACT group (12.5 ‰ + 4.33‰) than in the untreatedgroup (7. 1‰ + 3. 43 ‰, P < 0. 001 ), whereas theproliferation index (PI) in the PRACT group (33.8 % ± 8.8% ) was eignificantly lower than that in untreated group (43.6 % + 12.8 %, P<0.01). Both Al and PI were correlated tothe differentiation degree of GC in PRACT group, the Al inthe differentiated group was higher than that inundifferentiated group (P<0.001), but the PI was lower inthe differentiated group than that of the undifferentiatedgroup ( P < 0.01 ). The Al of GC cells in metastatic lymphnode was also significantly higher in the PRACT group (7.9‰+ 3.41‰) than in the untreated group (3.6 ‰ + 2.93 ‰,P < 0.01 ), though the PI of GC cells in metastatic lymphnodes in the PRACT group (17. 2 % + 6. 8 % ) wassignificantly lower than that in the untreated group (26.7 %+ 9. 3 %, P < 0. 01 ). The severity of histopathologicchanges was significantly higher in the PRACT group than inthe untreated group ( P < 0.05). In addition, postoperativesurveys demonstrated that the 5-year survival rate of GCpatients in the PRACT group was significantly higher than thatof patients in the untreated group (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Preoperative regional artery chemotherapy(PRACT) showed inhibitory action on the growth of GC cellsmainly through inhibiting proliferation and inducing theapoptosis of tumor cells. PRACT can improve the prognosisof GC patients also.