Synthesis of nano-MoS 2 /TiO 2 composite and its catalytic degradation effect on methyl orange
A nano-MoS 2 /TiO 2 composite was synthesized in H 2 atmosphere by calcining a MoS 3 /TiO 2 precursor, which was obtained via a quick deposition of MoS 3 on anatase nano-TiO 2 under a strong acidic condition. The obtained nano-MoS 2 /TiO 2 composite was characterized by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area, scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectrometry, ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results show that the composite had a high BET surface area because of its small size and irregularly layered structure. MoS 2 in the composite was composed of typical layered structures with thicknesses of 2–8nm and lengths of 10–40nm. The composite contained a wide and intensive absorption at 400–700nm, which is in the visible light region, and presented a positive catalytic effect on removing methyl orange from the aqueous solution. The catalytic activity of the composite was influenced by the initial concentration of methyl orange, the amount of the catalyst, the pH value, and the degradation temperature. In addition, the composite catalyst could be regenerated and repeatedly used via filtration three times. The deactivating catalyst could be reactivated after catalytic reaction by heating at 450°C for 30min in H 2 .
Experimental/ calcination catalysis filtration Fourier transform spectra infrared spectra molybdenum compounds nanocomposites nanofabrication scanning electron microscopy titanium compounds transmission electron microscopy ultraviolet spectra visible spectra X-ray absorption spectra X-ray diffraction/ nanocomposites catalytic degradation effect methyl orange calcination X-ray diffraction spectroscopy Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area scanning electron microscopy highresolution transmission electron microscopy energy dispersive spectrometry UV-visible spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy degradation temperature filtration absorption layered structure wavelength 400 nm to 700 nm temperature 450 degC time 30 min size 2 nm to 8 nm size 10 nm to 40 nm MoS 2-TiO 2/ A8116 Methods of nanofabrication and processing A8265J Heterogeneous catalysis at surfaces and other surface reactions A8140G Other heat and thermomechanical treatments A7840 Visible and ultraviolet spe