Rapakivi texture from the O'Leary Porphyry, Arizona (U.S.A.)
The rhyodactic O'Leary Porphyry which forms the Pleistocene (0.233±0.37 m.y.) volcanic domes of O'Leary Peak and Darton Dome in the San Francisco Volcanic Field (northern Arizona, U.S.A.) contains sanidine phenocrysts with oligoclase mantles (rapakivi texture). Rapakivi texture occurs worldwide in silicic rocks of many ages and has been attributed to various igneous and metamorphic processes.The O'Leary Porphyry contains both mantled and unmantled sanidine (both are Or 63–69 Ab 30–36 An 1 ), oligoclase and quartz phenocrysts, labradorite (An 53 Ab 45 Or 2 ) and kaersutite xenocrysts and andesite xenoliths. The compositional range of oligoclase is the same (An 11–26 Ab 70–80 Or r–10 ) for the rapakivi mantles, the oligoclase phenocrysts, and the oligoclase crystals poikilitic within sanidines. Most mantles are discontinuous. The sanidine appears to have been resorbed prior to mantling.Experimental melting studies on the O'Leary Prophyry show that, for a 15 wgt.% water system, plagioclase crystallized prior to sanidine and quartz crystallized last. The O'Leary Porphyry, although inhomogeneous, plots on a Q-Or-Ab-An diagram well within the plagioclase stability field. Poikilitic plagioclases within sanidines further support crystallization of plagioclase prior to sanidine in the O'Leary Porphyry.Exsolution of a ternary feldspar to form a plagioclase mantle is the most commonly accepted igneous theory of rapakivi texture formation but has been eliminated as the origin of the O'Leary Porphyry rapakivi. Petrologic models by Tuttle and Bowen and by Stewart are rejected for the O'Leary rapakivi because of inconsistencies with the O'Leary occurrences.Two theories are viable for the O'Leary rapakivi texture. First, is a decrease in water vapor pressure which would enlarge the plagioclase stability field possibility causing mantling of metastable sanidines. The second and preferred theory is that of an addition of sodium and calcium by basification (chemical assimilation without melting) of the xenoliths within the O'Leary Porphyry. This would move the bulk composition of the melt into the plagioclase field possibly resulting in crystallization of plagioclase on sanidine crystals. Diffusion of sodium and calcium from the xenoliths to sanidine would result in mantling only those crystals near to the xenoliths. Later, convection would result in distribution throughout the melt of rapakivi, unmantled sanidines, and xenolithic kaersutite as is seen in the porphyry. Basic xenoliths are extremely common in rapakivi-bearing rocks. Those within the O'Leary Porphyry are andesitic and show resorption, and in some areas of O'Leary Peak itself, have been drawn out into schlieren.