The possible mechanisms by which the requirement of the sink may be transmitted to the photosynthetic source, including hormones, carbohydrate accumulation...
On a global basis, water is a paramount factor in determining the distribution of species, and the responses and adaptations of a species to water stress a...
The review is primarily concerned with the ion relations of mature leaf cells of plants growing under saline conditions: during drought ions do not play such an important role in osmotic adjustment as in salinity. We conclude that, for s...
In this chapter respiration as an integrated part of the metabolism of the intact plant will be considered; its aim is to discuss the qualitative and, wher...
In this chapter respiration as an integrated part of the metabolism of the intact plant will be considered; its aim is to discuss the qualitative and, wher...
This paper reviews briefly the effects of water deficits on the synthesis and distribution of plant growth regulators with some emphasis on genotypic varia...
Xylem sap was collected from the leaf tip of intact transpiring barley plants at low and high external [NaCI], by applying pressure to roots of plants grow...
Six wheat cultivars, and 120 random progeny derived from composite crosses among these cultivars and 10 others, were grown in a glasshouse and changes in photosynthesis of the main-shoot leaves determined throughout ontogeny. Photosynthe...
Increasing salinity led to substantially higher ratios of mesophyll surface area to leaf area (A/sup mes//A) for Phaseolus vulgaris and Gossypium hirsutum ...
Increasing salinity led to substantially higher ratios of mesophyll surface area to leaf area (A/sup mes//A) for Phaseolus vulgaris and Gossypium hirsutum ...