XL.—New Moths in the Joicey collection
286 Mr. L. B. Prout oii neio XL. — Neio Moths in the Joicey Colleclion. By Louis B. Prout, F.E.S. Family Arctiidae. 1. Utetheisa dorsifumatay sp. n. ^ ? .—38-42 mm. Decidedly larger on an average than pulohelloides, Hmpsn., further difEering as follows : — Head more ochreous (less mixed with white). Abdomen dorsally with strong smoky suffusions. I^ore wing with the black lines macular, but strongly thickened, the spots usually in part confluent ; a characteristic longitudinal black white-ringed spot behind the end of M and the base of M^ ; red spots more quadrate in form, more com})letely (though very slenderly) dark-edged ; terminal black spots more consistently and uniformly continued across cilia. Umd wing of c? with a black-grey streak (1 or 2 mm. in length) along middle part of the ridge which overhangs the inner-marginal pocket ; hair-pencil apparently less developed and whiter ; discal mark in both sexes varying in develop-ment (strong to obsolescent), perhaps stronger in the ? than in the (^ ; apical border ratlier broad ; hamate patch with its posterior edge longer than its anteiior, produced to a proximal point on or just behind M^ ; dark terminal markings between fold and tornus better developed. Fore wing beneath witii the white parts suffused with smoke-colour, except for a clear patch at and sometimes beyond end of cell. Hind wing beneath witii tiie dark markings enlarged. Angi Lakes, Arfak Mtns., North Dutch New Guinea, COOO tt., Jan.-Feb. 19U (A., C, & F. Pratt)] ^ S $, 3??. The increase of black more recalls sa/owio;i?'5, Rthschd., and riiberri'ma, Rthschd., but they have both more nearly the <S antenna oi. pectinata, Hmpsn. The group still needs careful revision on extensive material, but the present species is sufficiently outstanding. Family Hypsidae. 2. NyctemeroL pellex pervecta^ subsp. n. S ? .—37-41 mm. On an average smaller than the other races of pelle.r, Linn.