Electronmicroscope Studies on the Cardiac Muscle and Kidney of the Rat Injected Cocarboxylase (TDP) and Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD)
We reported already with regard to effects of ATP, Cocarboxylase and FAD on the renal functions and electrocardiographic changes. In such reports, we supposed that these effects on the heart did not depend upon the dilation of coronary arteries, but directly depended upon changes of the metabolism in cardiac muscle. In another reports, we supposed that these effects on the renal functions depended on the increasing of the O_2-consumption through phosphorous metabolism in renal tubule cells.In present papers, electronmicroscope studies on the cardiac muscle and kidney of the rats injected Cocarboxylase and FAD are reported. In 30 minutes after when 5 mg of Cocarboxylase or 2 mg of FAD was injected intraperitoneally, fixations of the cardiac muscle and kidney were done.We observed that administration of the Cocarboxylase and FAD caused the epitherial cells of glomerulus to swell. This result means that glomerulus also enzymatically is important, and functionally not passive, but active. By administration of the Cocarboxylase, the number of mitochondria in renal convoluted tubule cells seemed to be increasing but this increase of the number of mitochondria means that the mitochondrias were collected on any parts in the cells, or that the mitochondrias were in fact produced newly in the cells. We supposed from specific figures of the big granules and mitochondrias that mitochondrias were newly produced in the cells. In administrations of the Cocarboxylase and FAD, electrondensity of the mitochondrias in the tubule cells slightly increased and these cristaes became slightly undistinct. This changes were resemble to hyaline degeneration which was introduced by Gansler and Rouiller. We found a mitochondria in normal cordiac muscle from rat in which cristaes formed circles.By these electronmicroscope studies we could demonstrate a few sorts of connections between the cell functions and morphological changes on the mitochondrias in the cell.