A Novel Non-Aqueous Fabric Finishing Process Annual Report October 1, 2000
Preliminary vacuum and atmospheric plasma fabric treatment experiments have been completed. Both sized and desized cotton denim fabrics treated in fluorocarbon plasmas under vacuum showed a significant improvement in hydrophobicity. The effect was greater for desized than for sized fabric. Treatments of natural and synthetic fiber fabrics in atmospheric plasma have been initiated. Desired treatment effects include desizing and improved water resistance, among others. Nylon fabrics were treated in atmospheric plasmas of helium/air (He) and helium/oxygen/air (He-O2) over time periods varying between 1 and 10 minutes and at different gas flow rates. Mechanical testing revealed a significant decrease in fabric strength with increase in oxygen gas flow rate and exposure time at treatment times equal to or longer than 5 min. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed no apparent change in the surface of the He treated nylon, while He-O2 treatments resulted in aligned grooves etched into the surface of the fiber. Treatment with fluorocarbon gases at atmospheric conditions is underway, and results will be compared to those obtained in vacuum. The design of the new atmospheric plasma device has been completed and the main device components have been manufactured and assembled. Controlled treatment variation throughout a fabric roll and continuous fabric processing will provide an advantage for on-line treatment feasible for textile industry. Strong efforts are currently conducted for an improved understanding of atmospheric plasmas, interaction of such plasmas with fabrics, and modeling of plasma- fabric interface, which will lead to optimization of atmospheric plasma parameters for treatments of textile materials.