Autonomous and non-autonomous roles of DNase II during cell death in C. elegans embryos
The method of ToLFP (topoisomerase labelled fluorescence probes) is useful for detecting the DNA fragments generated by DNase II inCaenorhabditis elegansembryos. It reveals ~70% ToLFP signals in dying cells and 30% in engulfing cells during embryogenesis. Generation of DNA fragments is a hallmark of cell apoptosis and is executed within the dying cells (autonomous) or in the engulfing cells (non-autonomous). The TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling) method is used as anin situassay of apoptosis by labelling DNA fragments generated by caspase-associated DNase (CAD), but not those by the downstream DNase II. In the present study, we report a method of ToLFP (topoisomerase ligation fluorescence probes) for directly visualizing DNA fragments generated by DNase II inCaenorhabditis elegansembryos. ToLFP analysis provided the first demonstration of a cell autonomous mode of DNase II activity in dying cells inced-1embryos, which are defective in engulfing apoptotic bodies. Compared with the number of ToLFP signals betweenced-1and wild-type (N2) embryos, a 30% increase in N2 embryos was found, suggesting that the ratio of non-autonomous and autonomous modes of DNase II was ~3–7. Among three DNase II mutant embryos (nuc-1,crn-6andcrn-7),nuc-1embryos exhibited the least number of ToLFP. The ToLFP results confirmed the previous findings that NUC-1 is the major DNase II for degrading apoptotic DNA. To further elucidate NUC-1′s mode of action,nuc-1-rescuing transgenic worms that ectopically express free or membrane-bound forms of NUC-1 fusion proteins were utilized. ToLFP analyses revealed that anteriorly expressed NUC-1 digests apoptotic DNA in posterior blastomeres in a non-autonomous and secretion-dependent manner. Collectively, we demonstrate that the ToLFP method can be used to differentiate the locations of blastomeres where DNase II acts autonomously or non-autonomously in degrading apoptotic DNA.