Synthesis and Characterization of [Cu(NHC)2]X Complexes: Catalytic and Mechanistic Studies of Hydrosilylation Reactions
The preparation of two series of [Cu(NHC)2]X complexes (NHC=N-heterocyclic carbene, X=PF6 or BF4) in high yields from readily available materials is reported. These complexes have been spectroscopically and structurally characterized. The activity of these cationic bis-NHC complexes in the hydrosilylation of ketones was examined, and both the ligand and the counterion showed a significant influence on the catalytic performance. Moreover, when compared with related [Cu(NHC)]-based systems, these cationic complexes proved to be more efficient under similar reaction conditions. The activation step of [Cu(NHC)2]X precatalysts towards hydrosilylation was investigated by means of 1HNMR spectroscopy. Notably, it was shown that one of the N,N-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene (IPr) ligands in [Cu(IPr)2]BF4 is displaced by tBuO in the presence of NaOtBu, producing the neutral [Cu(IPr)(OtBu)]. This copper alkoxide is known to be a direct precursor of an NHCcopper hydride, the actual active species in this transformation. Furthermore, reagent loading and counterion effects have been rationalized in light of the species formed during the reaction.Se presenta la preparacin de dos series de complejos [Cu(NHC)2]X (NHC=carbeno N-heterocclico, X=PF6 o BF4) en altos rendimientos a partir de materiales de fcil acceso. Estos complejos han sido caracterizados espectrspica y estructuralmente. La actividad de estos complejos catinicos bis-NHC en la hidrosililacin de cetonas ha sido examinada y el ligando as como el contra-in mostraron una influencia significativa en la eficacia cataltica. Adems, al compararlos con otros sistemas [Cu(NHC)] relacionados, estos complejos catinicos mostraron ser ms eficientes bajo similares condiciones de reaccin. La activacin de los pre-catalizadores [Cu(NHC)2]X hacia la hidrosililacin ha sido investigada mediante1H RMN. En particular, se ha mostrado que uno de los ligandos IPr en [Cu(IPr)2]BF4 es desplazado por tBuOen la presencia de NaOtBu, produciendo el complejo neutral [Cu(IPr)(OtBu)]. Este alcxido de cobre es conocido como un precursor directo de un hidruro de NHC-cobre, la verdadera especie activa en esta transformacin. Asimismo, la influencia de la carga de reactivos y del contra-in han sido racionalizados segn las especies formadas en la reaccin cataltica.
