Synchronous exocytosis in Paramecium cells. III. Rearrangement of membranes and membrane-associated structural elements after exocytosis performance.
Aminoethyldextran (AED) was used to trigger the synchronous release of trichocysts from Paramecium tetraurelia cells (see [8]) by a mechanism involving exocytotic membrane fusion and resealing (see [5]). Ultrastructural changes were analyzed by quantitative evaluation of ultrathin sections. In resting cells the percentage of potential trichocystdocking sites which are actually occupied by a trichocyst was 58%; 36% of potential docking sites contained ghosts and 6% a "plug" of electron-dense material. We derived from our data that paramecia would discharge permanently and spontaneously trichocysts (without AED) at a rate of 2–3 per min (which we then also verified by counting the spontaneous release rate) and that this value is equivalent to the docking rate. For the synchronous expulsion of trichocysts in response to AED we had determined that the degree of synchrony is more than a hundred times better than in most other systems (see [8]). We have determined the half-lives (HL) for different events involved in exocytosis and re-docking as follows: ~3 sec for trichocyst discharge, ~3 sec for the formation of ghosts, 8 min for the clearing of ghosts from the cell surface, 4 min for the formation of "plugs". Trichocysts are docked with a HL of 40 min and "plugs" (considered as receptor-type structures for trichocyst docking) disappear with a concomitant HL of 50 min. Evidently the clearing of ghosts allows for re-formation of "plugs" but the respective HL values signal that "plugs" may also be formed anew. The relatively slow decline of the percentage of "plugs" (after their azimuth 15 min after AED triggering) may also indicate the synthesis of new docking sites. After a period of over ~3 h following AED triggering, the original situation is roughly re-established and maintained over the whole period of population growth analyzed.