LXIX.—New Myotis, Artibeus, Sylvilagus, and Metachirus from central and South America
On new "Myoih &c.from Central and South America. 541 To he treated as non-existent. Species the types of which are not noio to be found in the British Museum. Lygceus cognatus, Walk. Cat. Het. v. p. 49. n. 69 (1872). japonicus, Walk. loc. cit. p. 58. n. 118. lomjiusculus, Walk. loc. cit. p. 60. n. 126. singularis, Walk. loc. cit. p. 63. n. 140. Nysius mundus, Walk. loc. cit. p. 69. n. 27. subcinctus, Walk. loc. cit. p. 70. n. 31. pallipennis, Walk. loc. cit. p. 71. n. 32. LXIX. — Neio Myotis, Artibeus, Sylvilagus, and Metachirus from Central and South America. By Oldfield Thomas, ' Ml/Otis simus, sp. n. A small short-haired Mijotis, with very much the general facies of a P i'pistrellus or one of the smaller Scotophili. Size small. General build and appearance very different to those of other American species of Myotis, and more as in Piptstrellus or Scofophilus. Head broad and flat, muzzle swollen and tumid. Ears rather short, reaching when laid forward about halfway between the eye and the tip of the nose ; their inner margin evenly convex for their proximal three fourths, slightly concave above ; tip narrow ; outer margin concave for the upper and convex for the lower half; antitragal notch scarcely perceptible; basal lobe forming a prominent thickened point projecting forwards. Tragus pointed, slightly curving outwards above, its inner margin convex, its outer concave above, convex below; a small triangular lobule at the outer base. Wing-bones comparatively stout, as also are the tibiai. "Wings attached to the ankle. Postcalcareal lobule practi-cally absent. Tail included in interfemoral membrane to the extreme tip. Fur of body short and sparse (hairs of back about 2*5 mm. in length), not extending on the wing-membranes, and only on the interfemoral for its basal third, above and below. No fringe on interfemoral. Colour above and below pale tawny brown, about as in some of the small pale species of Scotophihts. Wing-membranes darker brown, without lighter edging. Skull rather broader than usual, with a shorter muzzle. In the ordinary small American Myotis the distance across the palate at the outer corners of w.' is just equal to the length