The Pulmonary Epithelium In Health And Disease
Autor: Proud, D.DESCRIPTION The Pulmonary Epithelium offers a comprehensive overview of the structure and function of this tissue, in health and disease. This unique text brings together in a single volume, the body of knowledge that currently exists, and explores how this knowledge may be applied in the future to increase our understanding of disease and to develop new types of treatment. The book is a multi-contributed text, co-ordinated by one of the leading authorities in the field. It is an indispensable resource for all postgraduates and professionals working in the field. TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface.List of Contributors.1. Pulmonary Epithelium: Cell Types and Functions (Mary Mann-Jong Chang, Laura Shih and Reen Wu).1.1 Introduction.1.2 Epithelial cell types and functions in the cartilaginous proximal airway region.1.3 Epithelial cell types and functions of the non-cartilaginous distal bronchioles.1.4 Epithelial cell types and functions of the gas exchange region.1.5 Circulating stem cells and applications in lung regenerative medicine.1.6 Stem cell therapy: embryonic or adult?1.7 Conclusion.2. Epithelial Adhesive Structures and Adhesion Molecule Expression(George Su and Dean Sheppard).2.1 Introduction.2.2 Cellcell adhesive structures.2.3 Cellsubstratum adhesion.2.4 Conclusion.3. The Epithelium as a Target (Louise E. Donnelly).3.1 Introduction.3.2 Asthma.3.3 Alteration in epithelial cell type distribution.3.4 Overview of epithelial damage in asthma.3.5 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.3.6 Effect of cigarette smoke.3.7 Other causative factors.3.8 Alveolar epithelial cell apoptosis emphysema.3.9 Overview of epithelial damage in COPD.3.10 Damage to the epithelium in other diseases.3.11 Conclusions.4. Epithelial Repair and Function (Carl G. A. Persson, Morgan Andersson and Lena Uller).4.1 Brief introduction to epithelial shedding-repair and associated functions in health and disease.4.2 Repair following shedding of single columnar epithelial cells and following shedding of clusters of columnar cells.4.3 Epithelial denudation.4.4 Pharmacology of epithelial repair.4.5 Epithelial shedding-restitution as a causative process in airway inflammation and remodelling.5. Integration of Epithelial Ion Transport Activities into Airway Surface Liquid Volume and Ion Composition Regulation (Mark T. Clunes, Peter F. Bove and Richard C. Boucher).5.1 Introduction: the role of fluid in airway/alveolar physiology.5.2 Model of ion and solute transport through airway epithelia.5.3 Airway histology.5.4 Airway ion secretion.5.5 The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.5.6 Calcium-activated chloride channels.5.7 K+ channels.5.8 Airway ion absorption.5.9 Measurement of ion and water transport in airway epithelia.5.10 In vivo transepithelial PDs.5.11 Volume flow measurements.5.12 Physiologically thin film measurements of ASL volume regulation with confocal microscopy and microelectrodes: studies of normal and CF airway epithelia.5.13 The role of physiologic airway shear-stress in ion transport and ASL regulation.5.14 Fluid transport across the alveolar epithelium.6. Structure and Function of Cilia (Andreas Schmid and Matthias Salathe). 6.1 Introduction.6.2 Structure.6.3 Function.6.4 Ciliary dysfunction associated with disease.7. Composition and Function of Airway Mucus (Duncan F. Rogers).7.1 Airway mucus.7.2 Respiratory tract mucins.7.3 Mucin genes and gene products.7.4 MUC5AC.7.5 MUC5B.7.6 Airway mucus hypersecretory phenotype in COPD.7.7 Airway mucus hypersecretory phenotype in asthma.7.8 Mucociliary clearance in asthma and COPD.7.9 Mechanisms of airway goblet cell hyperplasia.7.10 Differences in mucus hypersecretory phenotype between asthma, COPD and CF.7.11 Conclusions.8. The Pulmonary Surfactant System (Nicole A. Rocca, Ruud A.W. Veldhuizen and James F. Lewis).8.1 Overview.8.2 Surfactant Composition.8.3 Surfactant Function.8.4 Normal surfactant metabolism.8.5 Summary: surfactant in normal lungs.8.6 Surfactant in lung injury.8.7 NRDS.8.8 ARDS.8.9 Exogenous surfactant therapy current status and future potential.9. Microbial