Real-time PCR expression profiling of genes encoding potential virulence factors in Candida albicans biofilms: identification of model-dependent and -independent gene expression
p pBackground/p pitCandida albicans /itinfections are often associated with biofilm formation. Previous work demonstrated that the expression of itHWP1 /it(hyphal wall protein) and of genes belonging to the itALS /it(agglutinin-like sequence), itSAP /it(secreted aspartyl protease), itPLB /it(phospholipase B) and itLIP /it(lipase) gene families is associated with biofilm growth on mucosal surfaces. We investigated using real-time PCR whether genes encoding potential virulence factors are also highly expressed in biofilms associated with abiotic surfaces. For this, itC. albicans /itbiofilms were grown on silicone in microtiter plates (MTP) or in the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) reactor, on polyurethane in an in vivo subcutaneous catheter rat (SCR) model, and on mucosal surfaces in the reconstituted human epithelium (RHE) model./p pResults/p pitHWP1 /itand genes belonging to the itALS/it, itSAP/it, itPLB /itand itLIP /itgene families were constitutively expressed in itC. albicans /itbiofilms. itALS1-5 /itwere upregulated in all model systems, while itALS9 /itwas mostly downregulated. itALS6 /itand itHWP1 /itwere overexpressed in all models except in the RHE and MTP, respectively. The expression levels of itSAP1 /itwere more pronounced in both in vitro models, while those of itSAP2/it, itSAP4 /itand itSAP6 /itwere higher in the in vivo model. Furthermore, itSAP5 /itwas highly upregulated in the in vivo and RHE models. For itSAP9 /itand itSAP10 /itsimilar gene expression levels were observed in all model systems. itPLB /itgenes were not considerably upregulated in biofilms, while itLIP1-3, LIP5-7 /itand itLIP9/it-it10 /itwere highly overexpressed in both in vitro models. Furthermore, an elevated lipase activity was detected in supernatans of biofilms grown in the MTP and RHE model./p pConclusions/p pOur findings show that itHWP1 /itand most of the genes belonging to the itALS, SAP /itand itLIP /itgene families are upregulated in itC. albicans /itbiofilms. Comparison of the fold expression between the various model systems revealed similar expression levels for some genes, while for others model-dependent expression levels were observed. This suggests that data obtained in one biofilm model cannot be extrapolated to other model systems. Therefore, the need to use multiple model systems when studying the expression of genes encoding potential virulence factors in itC. albicans /itbiofilms is highlighted./p
