Membranous epithelial or "M" cells in lymphoid follicle epithelium of Peyer's patches extend between the adjacent columnar cells, forming a membrane separating lymphocytes in the epithelial cell layer from the intestinal lumen. They lack...
Follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) from the mouse Peyer's patch consists of a dome part containing goblet as well as columnar epithelial cells and a cryp...
patches. The relative effects of vomitoxin on these two T cell populations was also reflected in increased CD4 +:CD8 + ratios in Peyer's patches and ...
Peyer's PatchesSpleenErythrocytesImmunoglobulin AMouse bone marrow is barely capable of plaque-forming cell (PFC) activity in a primary response to sheep ...
Peyer's PatchesSpleenErythrocytesImmunoglobulin AMouse bone marrow is barely capable of plaque-forming cell (PFC) activity in a primary response to sheep ...