Beisson, 1981 Control of exocytotic processes: cytological and physiological studies of trichocyst mutants in Paramecium tetraurelia. J. Cell Biol. 88: 301...
Beisson, 1981 Control of exocytotic processes: cytological and physiological studies of trichocyst mutants in Paramecium tetraurelia. J. Cell Biol. 88: 301...
Aminoethyldextran (AED) was used to trigger the synchronous release of trichocysts from Paramecium tetraurelia cells (see [8]) by a mechanism involving exocytotic membrane fusion and resealing (see [5]). Ultrastructural changes were anal...
Crosses between members of two independent collections of Paramecium tetraurelia mutants blocked in the final membrane fusion step of trichocyst release (n...
Top of pageMaterials and methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References In cells that possess a regulated secretory pathway, exocytosis can lead to...
In cells that possess a regulated secretory pathway, exocytosis can lead to transcriptional activation of genes encoding products stored in secretory granu...
Crosses between members of two independent collections of Paramecium tetraurelia mutants blocked in the final membrane fusion step of trichocyst release (nd mutants) allowed us to define 13 complementation groups comprising 23 alleles. T...
A study of the patterns of phenotypic change in exconjugants using the recessive behavioural mutant pawn (pwA) and its wild-type allele shows that both cytoplasmic and nuclear factors contribute to phenomic lag. Following loss of the wil...
Using a microinjection technique, the functional competence of the trichocysts or of the nontrichocyst cytoplasms of wild-type and mutant stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia was tested. The results indicate that the exocytic (trichocyst di...
A. ADOUTTE 0 0 Laboratoire de Ge'ne'tique, Universite Paris XI, Centre d'Orsay , 91405 , France R. PERASSO Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire IV Mitochondrial mutations conferring erythromycin resistance (EE) are available in Paramecium ...