This book of abstracts concerns the annual meeting of the Belgian Society for Cytological Analysis that was organised in Mons on 26 of October 2007. The general topic of the meeting was "Rare Event Analysis" and covered the lymphomas, le...
72 Belgian Journal of Hematology Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2014 Introduction IFor the second time, during the course of its general annual meeting, the BHS h...
New method and instrument intended for checking the content of biology particles in dimension band 0.1-10.0 mkm in water flow is described in this report. ...
New method and instrument intended for checking the content of biology particles in dimension band 0.1-10.0 mkm in water flow is described in this report. ...
New method and instrument intended for checking the content of biology particles in dimension band 0.1-10.0 mkm in water flow is described in this report. ...
This book covers the major physical and chemical methods currently in use in study of cell morphology and function. There are nine chapters: Cytophotometry by Pollister and Ornstein; Cytochemical Staining by Novikoff; Phase-Contrast, Int...