Hypothalamic neurons that contain the neuropeptide orexin (hypocretin) play important roles in the regulation of sleep/wake. Here we analyze the in vivo an...
纬-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is an approved therapeutic for the excessive sleepiness and sudden loss of muscle tone (cataplexy) characteristic of narcolepsy. T...
We recently demonstrated, in rat brain slices, that the usual excitation by noradrenaline (NA) of hypocretin/orexin (hcrt/orx) neurons was changed to an in...
Forebrain neuronal circuits containing hypocretin-1 (hcrt-1) and norepinephrine (NE) are important components of central arousal-related processes. Recentl...
In the cultivation of Mytilus unguiculatus, the broodstock are shade-dried to stimulate sperm and egg production. To identify the functional genes affectin...
STUDY OBJECTIVES. A major challenge in treating insomnia is to find effective medicines with fewer side effects. Activation of G-protein-gated inward recti...
METHODS:. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings from hypocretin/orexin-EGFP neurons and extracellular recordings of mouse hippocampal CA1 area in mouse brain slices were made to study cellular and synaptic actions of ML297. Wake activity and...
We generated mice with a selective loss of GABAB receptors in orexin neurons. Orexin neurons in these GABAB1-/-(orexin) mice showed reduced responsiveness to GABAA receptor agonists due to a compensatory increase in GABAA receptor-mediat...
Neurons containing the neuropeptide orexin (hypocretin) are located exclusively in the lateral hypothalamus and send axons to numerous regions throughout t...
The novel neuropeptides called hypocretins (orexins) have recently been identified as being localized exclusively in cell bodies in a subregion of the tube...
Histamine-releasing neurons are located exclusively in the TM of the hypothalamus, from where they project to practically all brain regions, with ventral a...
Histamine-releasing neurons are located exclusively in the TM of the hypothalamus, from where they project to practically all brain regions, with ventral a...
Hypocretin has been identified as a regulator of metabolic and endocrine systems. Several brain regions involved in the central regulation of autonomic and...
Focuses on a study which determined the immunohistochemical distributions of orexin-A and orexin-B, hypothalamic peptides that function in the regulation o...
Neurons that release hypocretin/orexin modulate sleep, arousal, and energy homeostasis; the absence of hypocretin results in narcolepsy. Here we present da...
In this study, we investigated the role of orexinergic systems in dopamine-related behaviors induced by the mu-opioid receptor agonist morphine in rodents....
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) temporally organizes behavior in part by sustaining arousal during the wake period of the sleep/wake cycle to consolidate...