(+)-Disparlure 2, and the saltmarsh caterpillar moth pheromone enantiomers 1 were synthesized and the stereochemistry of the naturally occurring 1 was shown to be 9 S, 1O R.
(+)-Disparlure 2, and the saltmarsh caterpillar moth pheromone enantiomers 1 were synthesized and the stereochemistry of the naturally occurring 1 was shown to be 9 S, 1O R.
(+)-Disparlure 2, and the saltmarsh caterpillar moth pheromone enantiomers 1 were synthesized and the stereochemistry of the naturally occurring 1 was shown to be 9 S, 1O R.
The sex pheromone of gypsy moth(+)-(7R,8S)-7,8-epoxy-2-methyl-octadecane(la)and its three other optical isomers 1b—d were synthesized stereoselectively fr...
The data on the application of cyclic and acyclic monoterpenoids in the synthesis of optically active insect pheromones are summarised. The bibliography includes 99 references.
A synthesis of optically active 4S-methylhexanal, 1-bromo-3S-methylheptane, and 1-bromo-3S-methylundecane, which are key synthons for several methyl-branch...
A simple and efficient synthesis of optically active insect pheromones, such as (R)- and (S)-3-octanol, (R)-2-dodecanol, (R)-2-methyl-4-heptanol and (R)-2-...
Synthesis of pheromones, hormones and other bioregulators is discussed summarizing Mori's synthesis of optically active and naturally occurring compounds o...
Air containing volatile compounds from around male Ips pini boring in ponderosa pine logs from California was condensed, fractionated by GC, and assayed i...
( R )-(-)-Ipsdienol 1 ″ and its antipode 1 ' were synthesized from (R)-(+)-glyceraldehyde acetonide and ( R )-(+)-malic acid, respectively. This establish...
Using the readily accessible chiral auxiliaries 1–3 the sulfonamide-shielded O-silylated esters 5 underwent π-face-selective α-acetoxylation on successive treatment with Pb(OAc)4 and NEt3 HF to give after recrystallization α-acetoxy ...
L-Phenylalanine was converted to optically impure (R)-(+)-2,6-dimethyl-1,5-heptadien-3-ol 2 (19% e.e.) .(R)-(+)-2 (96% e.e.) was prepared by a kinetic reso...
Although aphids reproduce asexually on their host plants during the summer, many species migrate to a winter host where sexual reproduction occurs. Males of certain species locate mates by means of a sex attractant pheromone released fro...
The sex pheromone of grape borer, Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates, was isolated from body extracts and container washings of male insects, and was determined...
Ethyl 4-benzyloxy-3-oxobutanoate (1c) is reduced by fermenting baker's yeast with stereochemical control which is dependent on the yeast:substrate ratio and the presence or absence of ethanol. Contrary to earlier reports, ethyl levulinat...
The chiralities of macrolide lactone aggregation pheromones of five species of economically important grain beetles have been determined by capillary gas c...
6-Acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide (Ia) in the oviposition attractant pheromone released from egg apical droplets of the mosquito Culex pipiens fatigans Wied. is ...