Egorov's theorem on the classical propagation of quantum observables is related to prominent quasi-classical descriptions of quantum molecular dynamics as ...
Egorov's theorem on the classical propagation of quantum observables is related to prominent quasi-classical descriptions of quantum molecular dynamic...
We prove here that the semi-classical asymptotic expansion for the propagation of quantum observables, for C -Hamiltonians growing at most quadratically at...
Egorov Theoremnoisepseudo-differential operatorsGreen's functionPassive imaging is a new technique which has been proved to be very efficient, for example in...
Nutrition is one of the main regulators of circulating IGF-I. In humans, serum IGF-I concentrations are markedly lowered by energy and/or protein deprivati...
We solve the Cauchy problem for the Korteweg-de Vries equation with steplike quasi-periodic, finite-gap initial conditions under the assumption that the pe...