Apoptosis is essential for the precise regulation of cellular homeostasis and development. The role in vivo of Apaf1, a mammalian homolog of C. elegans CED...
The bladder, the largest smooth-muscle organ in the human body, is responsible for urine storage and micturition. P63, a homolog of the p53 tumor-suppresso...
Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, plays an essential role in mammalian development, especially the development of the nervous system. Here, we systemati...
Since the development of ART, embryos have been cultured at 37°C in an attempt to mimic the in vivo conditions and the average body temperature of an adul...
Mutations in the gene ced-4 block almost all of the programmed cell deaths that normally occur during Caenorhabditis elegans development. We have cloned th...
Apoptotic execution involves numerous enzymatic pathways, all of which appear to be triggered by the activation of one or more ICE-related proteases (IRPs)...
Members of the Bcl-2 protein family fall into two categories on the basis of their ability to either promote or suppress apoptosis. Recent findings have li...
A large scale insertional experiment was performed in stem (ES) cells by introducing two types of gene trap vectors into the genome. These cell lines carry...
Formation of the mammalian eye requires a complex series of tissue interactions that result in an organ of exquisite sensory capability. The early steps in...
Forebrain overgrowth, fog, is a spontaneous autosomal recessive mutation in the mouse producing forebrain, lumbo-sacral, and facial defects. The defects ap...
The role of protein synthesis in apoptosis was investigated in the retina of developing rats. In the neonatal retina, a ganglion cell layer, containing neu...
Apoptosis (from the Greek apoptosis, i.e., falling of leaves) is the phenomenon of programmed cell death, which plays an important role in the normal embry...
Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, a...
The death receptors Fas and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) trigger apoptosis upon engagement by their cognate death ligands. Recently, researcher...
Programmed cell death is a fundamental requirement for embryogenesis, organ metamorphosis and tissue homeostasis. In mammals, release of mitochondrial cyto...
TNFR1/Fas engagement results in the cleavage of cytosolic BID to truncated tBID, which translocates to mitochondria. Immunodepletion and gene disruption in...
The protein Bid is a participant in the pathway that leads to celldeath (apoptosis), mediating the release of cytochromefrom mitochondria in response to si...
The protein Bid is a participant in the pathway that leads to celldeath (apoptosis), mediating the release of cytochromefrom mitochondria in response to si...
Bax and Bak play a redundant but essential role in apoptosis initiated by the mitochondrial release of apoptogenic factors. In addition to their presence a...